
It is always a treat to take the trek from our side of the evergreens over to the M’s side of the evergreens for a quick shoot.

These are my neighbors. In fact, we probably would not live here if Marie hadn’t ever-so-gently pointed us to the open lot beside them. I will be forever grateful to her for that. I will be ever grateful for this family welcoming us with open arms ten years ago.

The “M” Family

I met Candice when I first sat in her chair at the salon. Some may know I am in the process of growing my very short pixie cut into something that might be pulled back into a ponytail. When my stylist-friend who has been doing my hair for years took off for better things (her kids) I was a bit devestated wondering if I’d find anyone who could handle the mop on my head.

Taylor & Candice